Sébastien Mercier

Sébastien Mercier

Computer scientist

I am computer scientist and i work in "Plantes et Systèmes de culture Horticoles" (PSH) unit, unit of the "Environnement et Agronomie" department.

the unit has 3 thematic axes.

In computer science, I am specialised in software development  or web site development. I have worked on "Serriste", "Fruit virtuel" et "Planet" softwares and on internet web site by:

1) Qualitree model web site

2) Intranet PSH unit web site

3) Internet PSH unit web site

Skills: Windows et Linux Ubuntu (user), Java, C++, JSP, Servlets, Java Server Page, Java Server Face, HTML, XML, Javascript (languages), Apache et Glassfish (servers), Eclipse (development), Virtualbox, VMWare, Qemu, KVM, Wordpress, EzPublish, SPIP. Computer technic of GPU-PASSTHROUGH with operating systems like Linux host and operating systems Windows at guest, rsync (RAID 1 backup script), etc...

On going training : Ubuntu/Debian root manager, Emacs, Latex, Qemu, KVM, cron, tar, Linux commands, etc.

Upcoming training : Databases, SQL. PostgreSQL, Python.

Sébastien MERCIER

Ingénieur d'étude / Computer scientist


Centre de recherche PACA
 Unité PSH

Tèl. : +33 (0)4 32 72 22 83

Mobile :

Fax : +33 (0)4 32 72 24 32

INRA centre de recherche PACA
228 route de l'aérodrome
CS 40509
Domaine Saint Paul, site Agroparc

84914 AVIGNON Cedex 9

