

DART Sofware - Informations & Download

DART : a software to analyse root system architecture and development from captured images. Jacques Le Bot, Valérie Serra, José Fabre, Xavier Draye , Stéphane Adamowicz and Loïc Pagès. (team EPH)

 DART - Quick start : Learn from the example 

to run DART you need JRE and JAVA 3D

 The DART.zip folder comprises 6 files 

DART.jar is the java program;

  • ch7-50dpi.jpg is an scanned image of a hand drawn root system in which root growth is coded by colours;
  • ch7.tpsandch7.lie are data files associated with the example;
  • Notice ATDR.doc is a Word file (in French) explaining how to use the software;
  • runDART.bat;
  1. Double click on DART.jar to start the software.
  2. Open the example image : click on File : « Load an Image File » and select the example image « ch7-50dpi.jpg » from the DART folder. Possible actions :Zoom+ andZoom- to adjust the picture’s size to the computer window.
  3. Open the table file : click onFile : « Load a Date File » and select « ch7.tps » from the DART folder. There are 31 observation dates in the example, taken from 4.02 to 62.95 days after the beginning of the experiment. It is possible to modify the colour codes by clicking in the coloured box.
  4. Load the interpreted root system : click on File : « Load an interpreted RS File (old format) » and select « ch7.lie » from the DART folder.
  5. In the menu of the graphic window, click on « date < » until the box in the far right indicates-1-(i.e. this means you are selecting the first date of observation)
  6. In the menu bar, click on View and deselect « Visible Image » and « Editable view ». The graphic window displays a black line segment representing the root system at the first date of observation.
  7. Click on « date > » to visualize growth over the time series. At each click, the time counter in the far right increases and indicates the observation date. Click on « date < » to reverse.


Before downloading you can send us by e-mail (click on DARTcontact) following informations: Family Name, Surname, Organisation, Country, e-mail, it may help us keep in touch with you upon release of a new version or in case a problem is identified with DART.

Please ask new users to download DART from this page rather than make copy from another computer.

Thank you for your interest in DART.

►►DART download (.zip)