Julie Borg

Julie Borg

Research engineer

Julie Borg

Research engineer


Since September 17th 2018: Research engineer, INRA Plantes et Systèmes de culture Horticoles, Avignon, France

March 1st 2014 – May 31st 2018: Study engineer, INRA Génétique Quantitative et Evolution Le Moulon, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

2013 : Master Sciences et technologies de l'agriculture, de l'alimentation et de l'environnement, Montpellier SupAgro, France



I am a research engineer in the team Conception and Evaluation of Horticultural Cropping Systems and ideotypes. My research focus is on the design of integrated horticultural production systems by combining model-based design methods (with the team modelers) and prototyping methods (with experts from research, technical institutes, experimental stations and with producers). I also contribute to characterize the decision rules of growers for orchard management and I analyse agronomic performances of these orchards.

Past :

While at INRA GQE Le Moulon, I worked on participatory ideotyping methodology to design wheat mixtures adapted to production contexts. We produced innovative blending rules and highlighted the need to better understand the interactions between varieties in a mixture to assess and refine those rules. We provided relevant performance criteria for the evaluation of wheat mixtures. This work was realized in the Wheatamix project.


Wheat mixtures

Borg J, Kiaer L. P., Lecarpentier C., Goldringer I., Gauffreteau A., Saint-Jean S., Barot S., Enjalbert J. (2017). Unfolding the potential of wheat cultivar mixtures: A meta-analysis perspective and identification of knowledge gaps. Field Crop Research 221, pp. 298-313

Hazard L., Gauffreteau A., Borg J., Charron M.-H., Deo M., Enjalbert J., Goutiers V., Gressier E. (2016). L’innovation à l’épreuve d’un monde changeant rapidement : intérêt de la co-conception dans le domaine des semences, n° 225, pp. 39-472.

Borg J., Enjalbert J., Gauffreteau A. (2015). Concevoir des associations variétales de blé par l’idéotypage participatif. Colloque Climagie (métaprogramme ACCAF), Nov 2015, Poitiers, France. INRA, 223 p., 2015

Integrated horticultural production systems

Plenet D., Hilaire C., Blanc P., Borg J., Borne S., Bussi C., Gallia V., Greil M.-L., Guiraud M., Hostalnou E., Labeyrie B., Mercier V., Millan M., Montrognon Y., Monty D., Mouiren C., Pinet C., et Ruesch J., 2019. EcoPêche - Conception et évaluation multisite de vergers de pêche – nectarine économes en produits phytopharmaceutiques et en intrants. Innovations Agronomiques [en ligne], volume 76, p. 291.