Claire Lavigne

Claire Lavigne

Director of Research

Director of Research
Dept. Environment and AgronomyLab. Plantes et Systèmes de culture Horticoles
Team : Contrôle biologique par conservation (CBC)


INRA - Unité PSH (UR1115)

Domaine St-Paul - Site Agroparc
CS 40509

84914 Avignon Cedex
Tél. : + 33 4 32 72 26 66
Fax : +33 4 32 72 24 32


Head deputy INRAE division AgroEcoSystem 2018-2022

Leader of the EPI team since January 2011 then of the CBC team since june 2016.

INRA Researcher (CR) since 2005, director of research (DR) since 2012
Accreditation to supervise research (HDR), University Paris-Sud, 2001
Assistant professor, University Paris-Sud, department Ecology, Systematics & Evolution, Orsay (1998-2005)
Post-doc, Institute for Environmental Sciences, University Zurich (1995-1996)


Current :

I am currently leader of the CBC, Conservation Biological Control working on integrated horticultural crop production. My particular interest is on the spatio-temporal dynamics of agricultural pests and pest enemies at a landscape scale. I am also interested more generally on how landscape features and agricultural practices shape biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. My work includes data collection in commercial orchards, data analyses and modelling. I am interested both in modelling pest dynamics and 2D agricultural field patterns.

Past :

While at University Paris-Sud, I mainly worked on measuring and modelling pollen dispersal in crop species, particularly maize and oilseed rape in the context of assessing the impacts of the release of GM crops. I was also involved in projects on the evolution of genetic diversity in metapopulations with a view to manage crop genetic diversity for conservation purposes.


 PhD students

2015- B. Collard Multiscale modelling of the impact of the crop diversity and its spatial arrangement on conservation pest control (co-directed with Ph. Tixier, CIRAD and T. Delattre, PSH).

2015-C. Imbert Conservation biological control in associations of fruit trees and vegetable crops (Co-directed with F. Warlop, Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique).

2015- S. Pissonnier Co-conception of alternative practices for the management of the sanitary and phytosanitary practices in apple producing farms (mostly directed by  P.Y. Le Gal, UMR Innovation, CIRAD).

2014-2016 M. Lefebvre: Pest control by spiders in orchards (Co-directed with P. Franck, PSH and J.M. Ricard, CTIFL).

2010 - S. Da Silva :Spatial data mining and landscape modelling (co-directed with F. Le Ber, INRIA, France).
2010 - M. Maalouly : Conservation biological control of pests in heterogeneous landscapes (co-directed P. Franck).
2009 - C. Boreau : Functional biodiversity in apple orchards (co-directed with B. Symondson, UK).
2006 - B. Ricci : Spatial dynamics of codling moth in South-Eastern France (co-directed with P. Franck, population geneticist)
2002-2006 - C. Devaux : Long-distance pollen dispersal (co-directed with E. Klein)
1999-2002 - E. Porcher : Evolution of neutral and selected genetic diversity in metapopulations.


2008-2009 : 1st year Master Agrosciences  « Gestion de la Qualité des Productions Végétales », University Avignon et pays du Vaucluse.
1997-2005 : from 1st to 5th year university: population biology, population genetics, statistics and modelling for biologists, University Paris-Sud.


Begg G.S., Cook S.M., Dye R., Ferrante M., Franck P., Lavigne C., Lövei G.L., Mansion-Vaquie A., Pell J.K., Petit S., Quesada N., Ricci B., Birch A.N.E. (in press) A functional overview of conservation biological control. Crop protection.

Boreau de Roince C., Lavigne C., Mandrin J. F., Rollard C. and Symondson W. O. C. (2013). Early-season predation on aphids by winter-active spiders in apple orchards revealed by diagnostic PCR. Bulletin of Entomological Research 103, 148-154.

Bouvier J.-C., Boivin T., Charmantier A., Lambrechts M., Lavigne C. (2016) More daughters in a less favourable world: Breeding in intensively-managed orchards affects tertiary sex-ratio in the great tit. Basic and Applied Ecology, 17: 638-647.

Lefebvre M., Franck P., Olivares J., Ricard J.-M., Mandrin J.-F., Lavigne C. (2017) Spider predation on rosy apple aphid in conventional, organic and insecticide-free orchards and its impact on aphid populations. Biological Control, 104: 57-65.

Lefebvre M., Franck P., Toubon J.-F., Bouvier J.-C., Lavigne C. (2016) The impact of landscape composition on the occurrence of a canopy dwelling spider depends on orchard management. Agriculture, Ecosystems, Environment. 215: 20–29.

Loeuille N., Barot S., Georgelin E., Kylafis G., Lavigne C. (2013) Eco-evolutionary dynamics of agricultural networks:implications for sustainable management. Advances in ecological research 49: 339-393.

Maalouly M., Franck P, Lavigne C. (2015) Temporal dynamics of parasitoid assemblages on the codling moth. Biological control. 82 : 31-39.

Memmah M.-M., Lescourret F., Yao X., Lavigne C. (2015) Metaheuristics for agricultural land use optimization. A review. Agriculture for sustainable development. 35 : 975-998.

Monteiro L. B., Lavigne C., Ricci B., Franck P., Toubon J.-F. and Sauphanor B. (2013). Predation of codling moth eggs is affected by pest management practices at orchard and landscape levels. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 166, 86-93.

Pissonnier S., Lavigne C., Toubon J.F., Le Gal P.Y. (2016) Factors driving growers’ selection and implementation of an apple crop protection strategy at the farm level. Crop Protection 88: 109-117.

Ricci B., Franck P., Valantin-Morison M., Bohan D. A. and Lavigne C. (2013) Do species population parameters and landscape characteristics affect the relationship between local population abundance and surrounding habitat amount? Ecological Complexity 15: 62-70.

Veres A, Petit S, Conord C, Lavigne C (2013) Does landscape composition affect pest abundance and their control by natural enemies? A review.Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 166: 110-117.

Vinatier F., Lagacherie P., Voltz M., Petit S., Lavigne C., Brunet Y., Lescourret F. (2016) A unified framework to integrate biotic, abiotic processes and human activities in spatially explicit models of agricultural models. Frontiers in  Environmental Sciences 4:6.

Modification date: 22 July 2024 | Publication date: 16 June 2010 | By: smercier