Nadia Bertin

Nadia Bertin

Director of research

Research topics: ecophysiology of horticultural plants

The objective of my research is to understand how the evolution of the horticultural production context impacts on the control of the taste and nutritional quality of horticultural products (tomato, gojis, eggplant). In a context of water scarcity, I am particularly interested in the impact of water deficit on growth processes (cell division and expansion), metabolite accumulation (sugars, acids, vitamins, polyphenols, carotenoids) and texture (structural and soluble dry matter). An important outcome of my research is the integration of knowledge into simulation models, which are used to analyze interactions between processes during fruit development, as well as genotype x environment interactions and to design fruit ideotypes adapted to low resource inputs. I am also involved in several interdisciplinary projects to understand the links between variability in fresh fruit quality under the impact of production conditions and micronutrient bioavailability, food health value, or suitability for industrial processing.I am (co-)author of more than 100 scientific papers and book chapters and of more than 85 communications in international conferences (H-index Web of Science 32). Recent projects:

  • Quamisol Metaprogram Syalsa 2023-2024 (coordination M. Prudent Agroecology): Exploration of the links between MIcrobiota of the soil, resilience of plants and nutritional QUALITY of productions for a double impact, environment and health value.
  • IRM-Prose INRAE Transform project 2023-2024 (coordination M. Musse OPAALE) MRI characterization of the evolution of food products during drying - impact of the raw material on the quality of the processed product.
  • TomHealth ANR project 2021-2025 (coordination J-F Landrier C2VN): Improvement of tomato health-promoting effects via innovative combination of genotype choices, cultural practices and food technology.
  • GojiQual Métaprogramme Syalsa 2021-2023 (coordination N. Bertin & J-F Landrier C2VN): From the impact of agricultural practices and drying methods on the plant matrix to the health of the intestinal microbiota and the animal - case study: goji berry
  • AUBCOLL Inter-unit & inter-division project INRAE AgroEcoSytem-BAP 2021-2023 (coordination N. Bertin): Analysis of root and aerial system architecture traits to optimize trade-offs between yield, sanitary quality (accumulation of trace elements) and nutritional quality (minerals, vitamin C and carotenoids and polyphenols) in a core collection of Solanum melongena.
  • TOM’ABILITY FranceAgrimer 2019-2022 (coordination CTCPA): Identification of levers to control the industrial quality of tomatoes in low input production systems (water and nitrogen) or impacted by climate change (temperature rise and drought)
  • MEMOSTRESS: Métaprogramme ACCAF 2018-2021 (Coordination S. Brunel-Muguet & N. Bertin). Stress memory effect on grain (oilseed rape) and fruit (tomato) quality: a lever for adaptation to climate change?
  • APLIM: FlagShip Project Fondation Agropolis 2017-2021 (coordination J-L Verdeil CIRAD – C. Goze-Bac CNRS): Development of magnetic resonance technologies to support integrative biology of plant response to abiotic and biotic constraints.

Publications list: